Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Members are withdrawing from TC one by one

Recent withdrawals/resignations from Trainers Circle

CSN Raja
Sam Naidu (Sampath)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mastering Gamification

Pl. watch a video on this topic:

98404 85595

Watch video on Gamified E-Induction

Dear Trainer friends,

Are you aware of the latest developments in the field.

Gamification is a new buzzword in training.

To know a little about Gamification watch a video

Vice Chancellor
University of LIFE
98404 85595

How to market your training ?

Dear Trainers,

How to market yourself  and your training ?

I am not going to charge you Rs.3900/- for this.  Take it FREE.

1. Are you sure, in which area you are powerful ?
Which topic you can handle well ?
Which topic you always have more stuff and don't find time to finish ?
Which topic, still more slides are to be shown but you have to cut short ?

Find out your KRA = KEY RESULT AREA.

As for as I am concerned, in two areas I can do well
1. Motivation:  YES YOU CAN.
2. Mind Power: How you can program your mind for success.

I give preference for these topics when I market myself. In your area only, you can get a very good feedback.

2. Print 1000 visiting cards every year. Never hesitate to handover your visiting card to a stranger. Always introduce yourself with your visiting card only. Who knows, any person can bring business at any time.

3. Networking:

Attend other interesting meetings. Meet as many people.  There are many professional forums in Chennai, conducting regular meetings. Once in a while,attend as a guest and share your visiting card. Talk for two minutes or so as a feedback about their program. Cover the audience in this two minutes. Everybody will turn towards you, 'Who is this gentleman ?'  'Seems like more knowledgeable' feeling will spread. Definitely they will love to get your visiting card. Either you may get business in their company or for your future public workshops.

4. Go for many guest lectures. Try to influence your contacts for guest lectures at Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs,
Women's Clubs/Ladies Clubs, Residents' Association, etc. Try for just 90 minutes speech. Mesmerize the audience with this 90 minute speech. If you cover these audiences, your future business is assured.

5. Collect email database of HR Managers:
Collect as many email addresses of related people. You can always send just 10 to 15 lines messages about training programs or your public workshops. Don't send often. Once in a month will be nice.

Don't write lengthy messages. People don't have the patience to read.

Write about interesting topics for corporates:
Why training is required ? What is the ROI for training ? Recent survey about training on workforce.

6. Try to talk to HR Managers for an appointment for about 10 minutes.
Initially, no HR Manager will permit you. You assure them that you will not take more than 10 minutes of their valuable time.

Present your views about training, your methodology, etc. Initially ask for one program at a discounted fee. If they allow you for a discussion, then make sure you are converting this into a business.

Your first program should grab future confirmed businesses.

7. Build a beautiful professional website.  Your website should talk about you. Initial cost may be there. Right from Rs.15000 cost, you can  build a website. There you have to add some of your training videos (may be 3 minutes or 5 minutes), feedback videos, list of clients, list of topics you handle.  Some other innovative information in your website should draw people towards it. May be everyday you can add some motivating message in a particular column (if is a dynamic website, you can change it without the help of software people). Never mention about the fee anywhere.

8. You can also prepare video resume, to be sent to the companies.

9. Take a list your earlier clients, have constant touch with them. In some companies, previsous HR people might have left. Create a contact with the new people telling your earlier programs and feedbacks in the same company.

10. Try to use your influence in your contacts to go for TV shows on training areas. To start with, you can appear in morning shows.

11. In the long run, you have to advertise. Without publicity you can't grab business. But analyse, on which area you are spending. 

I spend about 5K to 12 K every month on neighbourhood newspaper ads, notices ads, bus advertisements, ads in Hindu, etc. More the money I spend on advertisement, I am expanding my horizon. 

If I don't spend for any ad, my participants will be less for my public workshops.

12. Every year you should post about 500 letters to different corporates (or colleges if you take programs for colleges  also).  Include your visiting card along with your letter. Your visiting card will speak. If you get
even one new business, your cost is covered. Balance 499 is investment for future business. You have planed seeds. It will give you harvest.

13. Tie up with training consultants till you get experienced. They may take 40 % to 50 %.  We should not bother about how much they are taking. How much you are getting is the matter. May be after 10 years of experience, once you have more confidence, you can have direct business, like me.

14. You can appoint some marketing people not on salary basis, but on referral commission basis. Once business is clinched you can share. Otherwise, no amount will be paid. Housewives, people working from home, can do this type of jobs.

15. Email campaigns for some event: One event may be organized by you. You invite corporate HR people.
Issue complimentary passes. Let them taste your style. 

16.  Writing blogs regularly is an added tool.

17. Identify the primary target market and start contacting them regularly.

18. is a useful site for links

19. Use free classified online advertisement sites to post regular ads.

20. Business Magnet monthly magazine offers cheapest advertisements. 1200/- for half a page.

21.Attend NLP Certification Course. If you are NLP Certification trainer, entry to corporate will be easy. Whether you use the techniques or not, is not a matter.

22. You can become a Certified Training on a particular subject.  Lot of international companies offer such certified training courses. You can put the tag as "Certified Trainer". That is an added value.

23. Analyse your earlier failed attempts:  Whether anything has to be changed from your side. Learn from your experiences.

24. When you discuss with HR people, try to know their requirements. Initially don't project your training programs first. Once you listen their requirements, you can design a training program with their help.  Afterwards, you can always add your training topics slowly.

25. Design a colourful brochure. You have to spend for it. I started this very late only. Even now, I am not ready with more than 2 designed phamlets.Due to experience and wide contacts, I am getting regular trainings. It may not be case for everybody. You have to use brochures. 

26. Project to HR people about the effect of training, don't commit about the ROI on training. You can say "Definitely, my training program will have an impact, of course, not overnight".

27. Seek testimonials from your clients and add it in your brochure/website.

28. Always search for Hot Leads from your contacts/strangers, whoever you meet.

If you find these tips useful, give your feedback by SMS to me.

Further points will be added in the next post in this same blog.

Bye now,

98404 85595

"What would be 5 basic attributes/criteria to judge a trainer?"

Discussion among the trainers on the above topic is given below:

Alive and sensing
Depth of learning shared
Openness to seek and accept feedback
Creating a Learning space when training

Couldn't agree more with Mr Vivek Mendonca, but would like to add a couple of my observations.
* A lot DEPENDS on the Middle n Top Management from client side. As many times a lip service is paid by them but really not taken seriously by themselves.
* Follow up sessions should be encouraged and paid for with active participation from concerned dept managers.
* A trainer is a giver, not a magician, so onus of making best of the training lies on client.
4) Most Important - The persons who take the call on training / trainers, are they equally experienced if not more than the trainer to judge the trainer. (Sad truth is many a times person lot less experienced than the trainer is sitting in the chair of HR Mgr/HR Head or any other decision maker.

Totally agree with Sarma PVS's views. Daniel, have an observation on your comment- what you are saying is an ideal state to be in, but unfortunately, the world we live in , everyone sits on judgement on everyone else, and that includes trainers....hence this discussion ...

I am not writing about an ideal state to be in . I am writing about the correct word to use.The correct word to use is "Evaluate a trainer" not "Judge a trainer".Words usage plays a very important role in training, facilitating , coaching and consulting. The higher up you rise in an organization the more important it becomes to make a distinction between the nuances of word usage so that the right message is conveyed without being misunderstood.. .

What do you judge after all, when you are not a trainer and you don't attend the session yourself. This is like creating a marketing strategy for the consumers that you never met in life. Understand all trainers are unique individuals with diverse backgrounds so also the learners. It is, therefore, very difficult if not impossible to judge someone comparing with others in this matter. If asked, everyone will have their opinion divided, if so what are they trying to judge here. Well, perhaps, you might wanted to say various skills of a trainer. Fine, these are simply the attributes to be established as a trainer before one get into professional training. There is no compromise on it. However, I still find it incomplete and imperfect (perfection itself is imperfection). Organizations have to identify what attributes are most suitable to their learners and pitch on it. Those who judge trainers after the training hours are simply trying to shift the blame for their own inefficiency to identify what is needed for their learners or they have complete lack of understanding of what is training is all about.

Why only 5 basic traits? Are 5 sufficient to assess capability? Why not 7 or 3 or 10?

Evaluate Vs Judge...I agree Daniel ....Thanks for pointing it indeed makes a difference....:-)

Thanks Daniel for pointing out...Let's have your views on what are the 5 most basic and essential traits common across trainers to evaluate or assess their capability..if we were to have an objective score common across industries or types of training for trainers' capability...which traits one should have to be a called an effective trainer... Thanks everyone for brilliant inputs

Every day in the morning I open my diary and write down my goals for the day (expectations ). Goals are set for the morning. for the afternoon and for the evening. Every day I evaluate myself based on the goals set.(feedback based on the expectations set for the day verses reality ). Every two hours I keep track of time and write down in real time how I am proceeding towards my goals. If I find myself diverting my attention doing what I love to do and enjoy doing instead of doing what is needed and wanted or what is the most useful thing to do at that point of time - then I know that there is something wrong with my being that is why I am diverting my attention and creating a knowing doing gap.. If this happens over a period of time for many days then I know I am subconsciously avoiding what is needed and wanted and have to take serious action to set things right before it becomes a crisis . Training is designed in the same way . One session is designed in five different ways at different levels as I do not know how the audience will react. So in effect I am designing five different sessions to do one session with five different examples,stories, metaphors based on what what is needed and wanted by the audience. Of course before the session I boil it down to plan A and Plan B and very rarely had to shift to Plan C or Plan D or Plan E Goals are set for each session. If it is a ninety minute session it is broken down into ten chunks of nine minutes each and If I divert my attention for more than ten minutes then I got to get the training back on track. Every minute is tracked and going off track for a few minutes is ok but going off track for ten minutes is dangerous.. . There is no such thing as five essential traits that are common across industries as even within the same industry the culture of one organization varies from another organization and as Peter Drucker says " Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast", Even an excellent trainer has good days and bad days and Trainers are human beings who also have a bad day.They are only as good as their last training so they must constantly evaluate themselves .Just as every individual has a unique DNA a unique fingerprint a unique eye scan each and every training program is unique even if it is for the same organization because people are unique, groups are unique. Try using my methodology for one week and share your experiences. I can only share what works for me . It may work for you or it may not. May be you have a better method to evaluate training - so be it - I use what works for me and you use what works for you.. If there is something common between what we do fine if there is nothing common between what we do that is also fine..

An interesting question and one that I have centre stage in the opening definition sessions on my UK “Train the Trainer” courses. Five is just too prescriptive & absolute to cover everything so with apologies to your question,Neeta, I have actually enumerated nine below. But nothing to stop you picking and mixing your favourite five. However, I suggest they are all inextricably linked and like horses and carriage you cannot really, as the song goes, have one without the other. Haha

* to be non-judgmental

* for ambiguity

* to appreciate and communicate respect for other people's ways

* to demonstrate empathy

* to be flexible

* to acquire new patterns of behaviour

* to acknowledge what you don't know

* to see the bigger picture

* to challenge inappropriate behaviour and provide feedback

Energy Level, Simplicity to connect with audience, handle class room, make learning fun & ensuring active participation of trainees .

Selfless. Unbiased, motivating, communicator and an effective coach.
The attributes are to be viewed in their deepest sense

What do you intend to measure? Why does the trainer matter? If you want the trainer to be effective, is there a way to ensure that before the intervention and not after? Can you design a learning experience that continuously enables real-time fine-tuning of the learning experience? Seek not a post-mortem. Step back and see how you can deliver on the whole without relying on any one part.

My training experience has taught me that every day is a new day for a trainer especially if s/he has to face a new batch of learners. Since the demographics of each batch will be different, the approach of the trainer need to be different for different batches. Therefore, the flexibility of the trainer becomes very important for effective learning. That can be made possible only when the trainer has complete hold on the subject he is sharing with the audience. I do not think that we can have just 5 common traits for all the trainers. In that case training will become mechanical and may lose the human touch especilly for the life skill and soft skill training. The moment that happens, training will lose its impact. Let us leave it to the audience to judge their trainers.

Absolutely right Mr Romesh Raina Sir .

I am glad that you are endorsing my view. I hope you are doing fine.

Thanks for your comments Raina Sir. So I could gather two essential traits from what you have mentioned -
1) Flexibility and 2) Domain knowledge
2 days ago

I am glad you are very active on the forum. It feels good when someone already known to you invites suggestions from the other members. This speaks volumes about the person's willingness to learn. I feel this is the best form of learning as people with different backgrounds come out with differenet points of view. That way you not only get the answers you are looking for but also get some new dimensions. That is value addition! Keep it up.

As said before, a great trainer can be derailed by an unreceptive audience/group. Making sure the class is engaged. At the end of the training, when the class is ask about the trainer and responds with, "I would love to take further training with the trainer!"

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jayalatha resigned from Trainers Circle

Msg from Jayalatha, Trainer

Me too...i am withdrawing as starting itself so much problems. Please refund my amount at the earliest......thanks jayalatha 
Ps:raja lic please ensure my refund thanks

At last came out of Trainers Circle

Reply by President for my withdrawal from TC  Today 10.41 p.m.

Dear Mr.ShanmugaSundaram
Further to your resignation from the Life Membership of Trainers Circle, the Treasurer shall do the needful.
The issue of Bye Law has been clarified.  It is the duty of the Secretary to send to all the Members.  Instead of blaming someone, I have clearly stated that it shall be (should be) sent to all Members by the new Secretary whoever gets elected on01Nov.  In fact he could do it the same day.
Since I do not deal with any money related to TC, our Treasurer shall get back to you and settle it at the earliest as requested by you.

Withdrawing membership from Trainers Circle

Text of the letter sent to President and official mail of TC.

Dear President,

I am withdrawing my membership from Trainers Circle since I donot have
confidence on the President/Team or the way of functioning, without any
basic bye laws, without any rules and regulations. Till this minute, the
bye law copy is not shared with any member. 

I am sure, the fee will be refunded to me at the earliest.


Dear Members, 

I should not be in the wrong group. I sincerely wanted a forum to help
the trainers to go up in their life. I have given the hall free of cost for
eight months. When the issues are affecting my self esteem, then
I have to decide 'Should I need this type of treatment ?'. Why should 
I try to correct the erring people ? Why should I waste my energy
and time for the wrong ones ? I am not questioning
why President  fears to share the bye law, if he has.  
No. Henceforth  it is not my duty. It is your duty.

I need not bear any blame for no mistakes from my side. Why should ?
TC has no  right to interefere on my business. Conducting training
programs is my business. No rule of TC can stop any member
from doing his personal  training programs. It is not a 
competition/against the interest of TC. I cannot be a slave to
somebody. No other can dictate terms to me, what I should do, 
what I should not do. Tomorrow, this will happen to every trainer.
Entry to EGB is the fundamental right to every member.

Why should I beg ? 

President has no right to conduct AGM in 'his premises' and prevent
in order to prevent entry of Advisor/Secretary/any member. His case
is very very weak. This is not a Brinjal Shop. It is an organization
with public money. It will not stand in any court of law. Pity he has
opened put it in writing also. 

Any decision with regard to finance can be taken only in the GB or
in the EC and then has to be ratified by the GB. President need to
given an explanation as to why the subscription needs to be
increased at that point of time. 

If the Patron members are not as per Bye-law, then why such
funds are collected ? Is it a donation from the sweat of Trainers ?

The TC should be conducted as per bye law and not on Trust.
Everything should happen in TC as per bye law (which was
authenticated by the members) not on Trust.

Why NLP circle name is used often here. Is it Trainers Circle or
NLP Circle ?

Conducting trainers meet every month is not the focus, then what
for TC is functioning ?

Since the printer has delivered the certificates very late, if President
has signed so, then who designed the format without the signatures
of Secretary and Faculty ? Printer himself ?

'Wrongly elected Advisor and Secretary': It is an admission that one
official meeting happened on a particular day to elect people ?
Unofficial meeting will not elect any member. 

Yesterday it has happened to Mr.Ramki. Next for me and to Mr.Raja.
Tomorrow : Who ?  You ?

It is not my duty to correct the President to function democratically.
It is upto the members of Trainers Circle.  Henceforth, it is not my duty.
My withdrawal from Circle is not a victory to anybody, definitely not. 
Some wise members will understand. It is a warning signal to
the members. Mr CSN Raja and Mr.Sachin resigned from their 
posts. Mr. Sankarvel withdrew his membership. Mr.Ramki identified
very early about the functioning style. He withdrew long back.  

Keeping away from ugly arguments is really a winning. I am winning
in that case.  I am a winner always. 

Thanks to all the members for the support shown till this date. 

I feel sorry, I cannot support you anymore to make Trainers Circle to
function in a well laid down way, in a democratic way. Let it
function in any style.  Sorry, for the members who supported 
my points all along.  Hope this is my last communication with
Trainers Circle Members. 

98404 85595

Monday, October 19, 2015

Reply by President on 18.10.15

Dear Members Please tolerate this one last mail on this subject.
You could treat this as the last issue of From the Pres Desk.

I am sorry I have to send this mail since few are diluting and distorting the issue.  I am recommending termination of Mr.ShanmugaSundaram and MrRajaK only for the following reasons:
  • For anti-association activities.  Both of them had conducted competing training programs on the same days when TC had announced programs.  Shall I forward the messages from them as proof?
  • They were interested only in the success of their programs.  Which is okay.  But they did not mind even if it is at the cost of failure of TC programs.  For they offered discounts to Members to join their programs instead of members attending TC's announced-well-in-advance programs
There is a learning for us here.  We should never attack the person.  Attack the issue.  The above is my issue-based attack.  Whereas both of them saying 'Ten Members want to leave because Shankar is the Presdient' or 'You are not the only Trainer' and many more such are person-based-attacks.

Now, there has been as attempt to meet me and patch up.  What has changed?  Is there an apology from them? Is there an undertaking that they will not conduct competing programs against the interest of TC? There is not even a sense of regret.
Also why meet me?  Someone else is going to be the President soon.  That is what I had mailed to Mr.ShanmugaSundaram that he has to sort out the conflict-of-interest with TC not me.  Let me cut&paste what he mailed back: '... I am conducting all my programs on Sundays. Hence, there will be no conflict of interest of TC as for as the days are concerned ..'
Well ... both are blissful and keep thinking: we have not done anything against TC so why should we resign?

All other points are only to give confidence to all the Members that everything in TC was happening true to our conscience.  Not as per the Bye-Laws since:
  • we wrongly elected Mr.ShanmugaSundaram as Advisor and  MrRajaK as Secretary on 26Jan while they were non-members. They became members only during end-Apr and end-May respectively.  As soon as the Treasurer gave the bank details I was the first to do on-line transfer.  Mr.ShanmugaSundaram was the 6th and MrRajaK was the 18th.  Our Bye-Laws does not have a provision for any Advisor
  • whenever anyone became a Member, the President sent a welcome mail. There are 50 odd mails each one of you must have received one with copy to both these also.  As per Bye-Laws the Secretary runs any Association, not the President.  Not once, to repeat, not once did the wrongly-termed Secretary volunteer to send the mails thereafter. 
  • Patron Members are not as per the Bye-Laws.  Nine people (including one to be added in Nov) investing Rs40000 each is for the trust we have on TC not for its Bye-Laws.
  • Corporate Chief Guest for our monthly Trainers Meet is not as our Bye-Laws even if they have given business to few of our Members.  In fact our wrongly-termed Advsior explained about his club to one of the Chief Guests who later started advising me that having a club part of TC is confusing.  I had to explain that no club is a part of TC, it only has a competing interest which we have been tolerating so far.
  • The Bye-Laws contain everything related to NLP Circle and even if the new Secretary sends to all I would not like to receive one
  • since TC is not an one-man show, few of us have been but this is not as per the Bye-Laws. All mails were sent by the respective people.  Once, just once, I sent a mail on TrSampat;s name and informed.  He said 'why are you apologetic, in fact I should be thanking you'
  • the entire focus was to get business for all members (with 8 have benefited so far) which once again is not as per the Bye-Laws
I keep repeating that professionalism, compliance to the external world (statutory) and transparency are the key aspects on which I always operate.
  • Even during the NLP Circle days, please ask those Members (me, TrSubramani, TrKrishnanVK, TrSridevi, TrCheran, TrSampatkkumar, TrRangadurai and others) and they would say that we had different Chairpersons for each meet, who would mail the agenda, conduct the meeting and send minutes.  Not me alone.
  • Both of them allege that I am doing everything and not allowing others.  All 3 TTT programs were given to other Members, all Trainers Meet is conducted by another Member and compered by one more Member.  The Agenda always has one Member welcoming, one Member seeking memberships, one Member announcing the next TC program, one Member speaking for 90min and one one member giving the vote of thanks.  Where am I in it?  When Speakers were to be chosen I recommended Mr.ShanmugaSundaram as the first Speaker.  It is not professional enough for anyone to conduct all Meets and hence I have consciously avoided giving a talk in any Trainers Meet.  Why target me? Why target professionalism?
  • Both these gentlemen keep referring to an interesting person Mr.Ramki who threatened me saying that he should be included in the Exec Comm.  I was trying to explain that being a part of the EC is by election and also it is a responsibility and should not be confused with power.  If I show you his messages you would be shocked.  Such bad language.  He wanted his money back and in a EC Meet it was approved and the money given to MrRajaK to be given to MrRamki.  The lesser i say about the financial discipline that MrRaja lacks the better.  MrRamki send another set of messages with bad-words.  Let me cut&paste the last messages here:
Ramki = You were chasing me like a beggar ... when I came the first bloody question you ... shame I met a character like you ... if you are a dignified man you have to return my Rs4000 ...
Shankar = Dear TrRajaK cc MrRamk.  Ramki called just now 10pm and asked why we are not returning his money.  In all fairness you shud call him now and say that his money is with you for more than a week.  I am not dealing with any money related to TC. Since you are not returning his money, I will send my personal cheque to him
Ramki = It is okay Shankar Sir.  Thank you for the empathy and hand holding.  Will collect it from Raja tomoro.  All the best and bye. Ram
  • Mr.Ramki's response was suddenly decent in the end.  Now after all that why are these two people making person-based attacks on me and blaming me after 5 months
  • In any Association existing members would want the membership fees to be increased.  Such increases were discussed, minuted in EC meets and records kept.  But both these people did not attend many (or any) EC Meets.  Now they are objecting and we are tolerating it.
No one left TC after Mr.Sankaravel.  Either MrRajaK told a lie or the 7 (or 9 feel) they could stay back since I am going or they realized that I am their President too & would only bring positive energy to TC and business to its members.   One Member keeps pointing out that we should focus only on a small team. MrRajaK knows one million people.  But it has not helped TC   For the first meeting only 5 came.  For the first Trainers Meet we could get 55 but subsequently he started training that competes with TC and the participation in our Trainers Meet came down.  In any case let me mention for the 100th time that conducting Trainers Meet is not our focus.

On 04Oct, when both of them came with their planned-person-based-attacks (with notes for reference can you believe it) there were few issue-based points too that your newly elected Secretary shall easily accomplish.  When issue-based attacks were shot one after the other, I was noting them down sincerely.  When person-based attacks started I walked out. 

I agree that it was wrong for me to sign the Certificates.  It got delayed and the printer gave the Certificates only when we were attending the Trainers Meet.  In any Certificate others would see everything except who signed it unless the signatory is well-known.  Thinking that it is another clerical job to be done in TC I signed it.  Anyway I am getting fresh Certificates at my cost signed by the Faculty. 

Please wait for a separate mail for an AGM / EGM / ECM that the Bye-Laws allow. To take the conflict-of-interest issue to a logical conclusion, I shall recommend their termination. This shall be held at the Regd Office, and since it is my premises I shall prevent entry of these two people who made planned person-based attacks on me. It is now for you all to decide what you want for TC's future.

Thank you for your patience in reading this.. 

Thanks and regards

SHANKAR S / 94444-95059
Business Acceleration Coach

Friday, October 9, 2015

Reply to President's two letters

Dear TC member friends,

I am sure you will spend a few minutes for the facts
I am putting forth before you. I am also sure that you 
will be interested to know the reality, what is happening
in Trainers Circle ? Each reply from our President is exposinghim more.
He is unaware he is more trapped now with his replies.

Let me make it clear: My only intention is to set the house
in order, with pucca Bye laws, rules and regulations, how to

Our President's only intention is : Sending me and Mr.Raja
out.  Nothing else.

Why now TC is not in order:

1.Secretary is not signatory to Bank account/s. He was not aware about the transactions in the Bank. Accounts are not put before the members till this minute for ratification/sanction. He claims that Treasurer need not put the accounts for every meeting. Then who holds responsibility for lakhs of rupees ? Who is accountable ?
The present signatories are accountable for every single rupee.
Because it is public money. Members' money. 

2.Bye laws are not given to the members. Any organization
will love to give the bye laws first to the members, even
before any demand is made. In our TC, even after the
demand is made, Bye law is not shared. 

3. Only President is taking all the actions. Neither Secretary or other EC members are  consulted. There is no democratic style now.

 From President's reply        
 My reply
Our Auditor says that as per our registered Bye-Laws there is no provision for Advisor or Convenor and we shall go by that.
In the first meeting itself, I refused any post for me. Since I also took the initiative to form TC, that post was offered. If it is not in Bye law, how the letter head carry my name first ? All of a sudden 'we shall go by that' how appears ?
Any organization is run by the Secretary except ours where I have been doing everything
Yes, In TC, our President has done everything keeping the Secretary away. Since Pres. is taking care, Secretary allowed. One fine day, President says, Secretary has not done anything, we have to find a new secretary, (as if the present secretary is resigning or willing to resign). It is an insult to the Secretary who is very well present in the meeting.
The new Secretary shall mail the bye-laws to all Members.  
When President has time to reply in length, can't he send the soft copy of Byelaws to the members ? or Can't he depute the work to any committee to forward it to all members ? How much time will it take ? Why new Secretary ? Why not the present Secretary ? I am ready to do that job.
If an one-line mail reminder (about bye laws) was sent I would have organized. 
Who stops now ?
Our Auditor says that as President I can call for a EGM and place their names for removal in case they do not resign form TC's membership.
Where is the question of resigning from TC ? Will I leave the TC in this state without setting right ? In GB or EGB members things will take care. Myself or Raja have not done anything against TC or its Members. Our hands are clean. If we are removed, TC/decision makers will face the legal complications. I am ready to meet the AAS team in the Court.
Second letter: As per the Audito-Advocate Team, the Meeting dt 26Jan2015 on which we elected MrShanmugaSundaram and MrRajaK is void since they were not members of TC that day.  The Bye-Laws does not allow non-members to be elected.
How AAS (not AAP) team born ? Who is misguiding whom. If the decisions taken on 26 Jan.15 is void, then our President has also took charge on that day. It is an adhoc team till the next GB. Somebody has to start the Circle. The present team came into existence on 26 Jan 15. Before that nobody is member of TC (new). If that is void, all the subsequent meetings are void.
Technically, the Exec Comm as registered with Saidapet Registrar remains as the Exec Comm members  
We hv to check up whether the present team is registered after 26.01.15 or not. If not, why it is not done ?
If both of them do not resign the suggestion is that I as President could call for an EC Meet of (old) existing EC-members and terminate the membership of both.  The Bye-Laws are clear that an EGM / EGM is not required.  I shall do so
Who has given the power to President to remove any member ? What mistakes done by myself or Mr.Raja (except exposing a lot). No valid reasons are there. Which bye law says that EGM is not required ? Why only talking about removing ?  Why the word EC Meet of (old) is appearing ? Does it mean, the present TC is running in old registration ? Is it not under Society Act ? Is it under running under Proprietorship or Trustee ? If so, then members are fooled all along. Trust is completely lost on the President.
Initiating legal action was also explored on both of them for disrupting the TC Meet that necessitated the President to go
What is disruption ? I put forth certain points to strengthen the TC. Mr.Raja put forth certain points, which are to be clarified/discussed. If any lacunae were there, they have to be set right for smooth running. If raising certain points, in a democratic way is called DISRUPTION in your dictionary ?  Then any member cannot question anything in future. Members cannot be slaves. We are members. That is what all the communications say. No threatening style is allowed for democratic functioning. I have an open mind to face any legal action. Every body knows, who will be trapped ? We don’t have any skeletons in our cupboard.
The defamation-trigger was 'There are 10 people who want the life membership back because Shankar is the President' 
10 people are questioning the style of functioning of President. Then President has to explain and convince not only those 10, but also all the others. President has to prove it that TC is functioning democratically. You don’t have answer. You don’t want to reply.
The Auditor-Advocate team asked: What did they want ... it is not possible for them to take-over TC because of the technicality explained above
Why AAS team is fearing about take-over ? Who wants domination ? AAS team still unable to understand that EVERYBODY  wants the bye law now and the statement of accounts now. Why should we wait for a new Secretary or new AGM or GB ?

I am really thankful for many members who are supporting my points and telling me that whatever points I raise are VALID ONES. Surprisingly, many trainers, in an unexpected numbers talked to me, mailed me, sent sms me. Three members guided me more. I am happy that members are now vigilant. Yes, our members are learned people and wise. Since because nobody has raised these points or sent mails now to TC group, we should not underestimate them. They know, if they don't raise up at the appropriate time, there will be no Trainer Circle in future to help the trainers. 

AMICABLE SOLUTION: 1. The Bye laws and statement of accounts should be sent to all members. Members have the right.
2. Xerox/scanned copy of the filing of amendments to include the present team with the authorities should be sent to all. 
3. New General Body should be conducted to elect a new team.

If things are clean, all members will get these within a week.

Let us unite and make Trainers Circle stronger, by making the bye laws (foundation) pucca. 

Trainers Circle
98404 85595

Monday, October 5, 2015

Let's be aware what is happening in TC

Dear TC Member,

You might have seen the latest mail from our President
posted y'day night 11.46 p.m.

1. It is very clear now about the designs of President.

2. Why our President is intersted only in sending me and Raja
out of TC is a serious question.

3. Neither myself or Mr.Raja had never disrupted the meeting.
We presented our views and told the opinions about the style of
functioning by some members. It has to be addressed. We have every right to putforth the things before the members. Tomorrow, you too have the power to present your views in a meeting. That is not a disruption. You should not be threatened that you are disrupting. 

4. If 26.01.15, election is void means, why it was running with
the new team name, even in the letter heads. We have proof.
Is it not ?  Then all the meetings happened all along are void.

5. On 26.01.15 neither Shankar nor Subramani (Treasurer)
are  members then, Shankar joined & paid his membership fee only
on 26.3.15 and Subramani paid only on 1.5.15. I will come up
with a lot of authentications/proof to show it to the authorities whoever may be, about my all claims. Everything will be in black and white. Let the wong things be exposed. 

Only solution to bring back the derailed TC to the right track is 

Now members should demand election of a new team urgently.
I am not intersted for any post or don't want to take over the 
TC. No. I am NOT for any post or power. President or his 
Auditor/Advocate team need not fear about that. TC should be in right hands or let the present team continue with a perfect bye laws and rules.  Let him be reelected to work under a perfect system.

I am sure any Auditor or Advocate will not work to get black marks by indulging in the internal affairs of any organization. Auditor will look only into financial part. Advocate will look only the legal 
part. They will not support the mistakes. They are not LKG children; they know their limitations. If they are interested for it, let me do the rest. 

All along members have been cheated without informing them
the Bye laws.  Now, President says Treasurer need not present
the accounts to EC /Members. Why ?

If anybody questions, then they should not be threatened with legal or defamatory. This shows the audacity of President. We have not done anything wrong. Our hands are clean. We can face any legal actions, where we can prove a lot against the present team. 

Rs. 15000/- was donated to MMA, but to gain a business for personal company ? 

If I have not raised certain things, the offer for a business for 'Leadership' would not have come. Just to cover up and misguide that
TC is now getting new business, this offer has been made. Any how, the benefit is reaching one or more TC members, I am happy. Let the members get more due to this episode. 

Choices before the members:
1. Demand for an election or
2. Be a silent spectator to watch what is happening and allowing
all the things to happen, without knowing the bye laws, without
questioning the wrong things, etc.

In the next term, I may continue to be a member or not. But, if any
action is taken for sending me out, whether members support me or not,  I will proceed legally with a defamation case, because I have not done anything wrong. I am ready to face it. I have been running organizations for 15 years, with a lot of support of my advocate friends. I have a good rapo even with judges on these issues. Everybody knows if I speak, there will be some valid reasons. 
TC members should not be fooled.

I am ready to face any legal action because I am going to be
popularized without any cost, at the same time, I am going to
expose a lot. 

Wait for my fitting reply to our President in google group.

98404 85595