Monday, October 19, 2015

Reply by President on 18.10.15

Dear Members Please tolerate this one last mail on this subject.
You could treat this as the last issue of From the Pres Desk.

I am sorry I have to send this mail since few are diluting and distorting the issue.  I am recommending termination of Mr.ShanmugaSundaram and MrRajaK only for the following reasons:
  • For anti-association activities.  Both of them had conducted competing training programs on the same days when TC had announced programs.  Shall I forward the messages from them as proof?
  • They were interested only in the success of their programs.  Which is okay.  But they did not mind even if it is at the cost of failure of TC programs.  For they offered discounts to Members to join their programs instead of members attending TC's announced-well-in-advance programs
There is a learning for us here.  We should never attack the person.  Attack the issue.  The above is my issue-based attack.  Whereas both of them saying 'Ten Members want to leave because Shankar is the Presdient' or 'You are not the only Trainer' and many more such are person-based-attacks.

Now, there has been as attempt to meet me and patch up.  What has changed?  Is there an apology from them? Is there an undertaking that they will not conduct competing programs against the interest of TC? There is not even a sense of regret.
Also why meet me?  Someone else is going to be the President soon.  That is what I had mailed to Mr.ShanmugaSundaram that he has to sort out the conflict-of-interest with TC not me.  Let me cut&paste what he mailed back: '... I am conducting all my programs on Sundays. Hence, there will be no conflict of interest of TC as for as the days are concerned ..'
Well ... both are blissful and keep thinking: we have not done anything against TC so why should we resign?

All other points are only to give confidence to all the Members that everything in TC was happening true to our conscience.  Not as per the Bye-Laws since:
  • we wrongly elected Mr.ShanmugaSundaram as Advisor and  MrRajaK as Secretary on 26Jan while they were non-members. They became members only during end-Apr and end-May respectively.  As soon as the Treasurer gave the bank details I was the first to do on-line transfer.  Mr.ShanmugaSundaram was the 6th and MrRajaK was the 18th.  Our Bye-Laws does not have a provision for any Advisor
  • whenever anyone became a Member, the President sent a welcome mail. There are 50 odd mails each one of you must have received one with copy to both these also.  As per Bye-Laws the Secretary runs any Association, not the President.  Not once, to repeat, not once did the wrongly-termed Secretary volunteer to send the mails thereafter. 
  • Patron Members are not as per the Bye-Laws.  Nine people (including one to be added in Nov) investing Rs40000 each is for the trust we have on TC not for its Bye-Laws.
  • Corporate Chief Guest for our monthly Trainers Meet is not as our Bye-Laws even if they have given business to few of our Members.  In fact our wrongly-termed Advsior explained about his club to one of the Chief Guests who later started advising me that having a club part of TC is confusing.  I had to explain that no club is a part of TC, it only has a competing interest which we have been tolerating so far.
  • The Bye-Laws contain everything related to NLP Circle and even if the new Secretary sends to all I would not like to receive one
  • since TC is not an one-man show, few of us have been but this is not as per the Bye-Laws. All mails were sent by the respective people.  Once, just once, I sent a mail on TrSampat;s name and informed.  He said 'why are you apologetic, in fact I should be thanking you'
  • the entire focus was to get business for all members (with 8 have benefited so far) which once again is not as per the Bye-Laws
I keep repeating that professionalism, compliance to the external world (statutory) and transparency are the key aspects on which I always operate.
  • Even during the NLP Circle days, please ask those Members (me, TrSubramani, TrKrishnanVK, TrSridevi, TrCheran, TrSampatkkumar, TrRangadurai and others) and they would say that we had different Chairpersons for each meet, who would mail the agenda, conduct the meeting and send minutes.  Not me alone.
  • Both of them allege that I am doing everything and not allowing others.  All 3 TTT programs were given to other Members, all Trainers Meet is conducted by another Member and compered by one more Member.  The Agenda always has one Member welcoming, one Member seeking memberships, one Member announcing the next TC program, one Member speaking for 90min and one one member giving the vote of thanks.  Where am I in it?  When Speakers were to be chosen I recommended Mr.ShanmugaSundaram as the first Speaker.  It is not professional enough for anyone to conduct all Meets and hence I have consciously avoided giving a talk in any Trainers Meet.  Why target me? Why target professionalism?
  • Both these gentlemen keep referring to an interesting person Mr.Ramki who threatened me saying that he should be included in the Exec Comm.  I was trying to explain that being a part of the EC is by election and also it is a responsibility and should not be confused with power.  If I show you his messages you would be shocked.  Such bad language.  He wanted his money back and in a EC Meet it was approved and the money given to MrRajaK to be given to MrRamki.  The lesser i say about the financial discipline that MrRaja lacks the better.  MrRamki send another set of messages with bad-words.  Let me cut&paste the last messages here:
Ramki = You were chasing me like a beggar ... when I came the first bloody question you ... shame I met a character like you ... if you are a dignified man you have to return my Rs4000 ...
Shankar = Dear TrRajaK cc MrRamk.  Ramki called just now 10pm and asked why we are not returning his money.  In all fairness you shud call him now and say that his money is with you for more than a week.  I am not dealing with any money related to TC. Since you are not returning his money, I will send my personal cheque to him
Ramki = It is okay Shankar Sir.  Thank you for the empathy and hand holding.  Will collect it from Raja tomoro.  All the best and bye. Ram
  • Mr.Ramki's response was suddenly decent in the end.  Now after all that why are these two people making person-based attacks on me and blaming me after 5 months
  • In any Association existing members would want the membership fees to be increased.  Such increases were discussed, minuted in EC meets and records kept.  But both these people did not attend many (or any) EC Meets.  Now they are objecting and we are tolerating it.
No one left TC after Mr.Sankaravel.  Either MrRajaK told a lie or the 7 (or 9 feel) they could stay back since I am going or they realized that I am their President too & would only bring positive energy to TC and business to its members.   One Member keeps pointing out that we should focus only on a small team. MrRajaK knows one million people.  But it has not helped TC   For the first meeting only 5 came.  For the first Trainers Meet we could get 55 but subsequently he started training that competes with TC and the participation in our Trainers Meet came down.  In any case let me mention for the 100th time that conducting Trainers Meet is not our focus.

On 04Oct, when both of them came with their planned-person-based-attacks (with notes for reference can you believe it) there were few issue-based points too that your newly elected Secretary shall easily accomplish.  When issue-based attacks were shot one after the other, I was noting them down sincerely.  When person-based attacks started I walked out. 

I agree that it was wrong for me to sign the Certificates.  It got delayed and the printer gave the Certificates only when we were attending the Trainers Meet.  In any Certificate others would see everything except who signed it unless the signatory is well-known.  Thinking that it is another clerical job to be done in TC I signed it.  Anyway I am getting fresh Certificates at my cost signed by the Faculty. 

Please wait for a separate mail for an AGM / EGM / ECM that the Bye-Laws allow. To take the conflict-of-interest issue to a logical conclusion, I shall recommend their termination. This shall be held at the Regd Office, and since it is my premises I shall prevent entry of these two people who made planned person-based attacks on me. It is now for you all to decide what you want for TC's future.

Thank you for your patience in reading this.. 

Thanks and regards

SHANKAR S / 94444-95059
Business Acceleration Coach

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