Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Withdrawing membership from Trainers Circle

Text of the letter sent to President and official mail of TC.

Dear President,

I am withdrawing my membership from Trainers Circle since I donot have
confidence on the President/Team or the way of functioning, without any
basic bye laws, without any rules and regulations. Till this minute, the
bye law copy is not shared with any member. 

I am sure, the fee will be refunded to me at the earliest.


Dear Members, 

I should not be in the wrong group. I sincerely wanted a forum to help
the trainers to go up in their life. I have given the hall free of cost for
eight months. When the issues are affecting my self esteem, then
I have to decide 'Should I need this type of treatment ?'. Why should 
I try to correct the erring people ? Why should I waste my energy
and time for the wrong ones ? I am not questioning
why President  fears to share the bye law, if he has.  
No. Henceforth  it is not my duty. It is your duty.

I need not bear any blame for no mistakes from my side. Why should ?
TC has no  right to interefere on my business. Conducting training
programs is my business. No rule of TC can stop any member
from doing his personal  training programs. It is not a 
competition/against the interest of TC. I cannot be a slave to
somebody. No other can dictate terms to me, what I should do, 
what I should not do. Tomorrow, this will happen to every trainer.
Entry to EGB is the fundamental right to every member.

Why should I beg ? 

President has no right to conduct AGM in 'his premises' and prevent
in order to prevent entry of Advisor/Secretary/any member. His case
is very very weak. This is not a Brinjal Shop. It is an organization
with public money. It will not stand in any court of law. Pity he has
opened put it in writing also. 

Any decision with regard to finance can be taken only in the GB or
in the EC and then has to be ratified by the GB. President need to
given an explanation as to why the subscription needs to be
increased at that point of time. 

If the Patron members are not as per Bye-law, then why such
funds are collected ? Is it a donation from the sweat of Trainers ?

The TC should be conducted as per bye law and not on Trust.
Everything should happen in TC as per bye law (which was
authenticated by the members) not on Trust.

Why NLP circle name is used often here. Is it Trainers Circle or
NLP Circle ?

Conducting trainers meet every month is not the focus, then what
for TC is functioning ?

Since the printer has delivered the certificates very late, if President
has signed so, then who designed the format without the signatures
of Secretary and Faculty ? Printer himself ?

'Wrongly elected Advisor and Secretary': It is an admission that one
official meeting happened on a particular day to elect people ?
Unofficial meeting will not elect any member. 

Yesterday it has happened to Mr.Ramki. Next for me and to Mr.Raja.
Tomorrow : Who ?  You ?

It is not my duty to correct the President to function democratically.
It is upto the members of Trainers Circle.  Henceforth, it is not my duty.
My withdrawal from Circle is not a victory to anybody, definitely not. 
Some wise members will understand. It is a warning signal to
the members. Mr CSN Raja and Mr.Sachin resigned from their 
posts. Mr. Sankarvel withdrew his membership. Mr.Ramki identified
very early about the functioning style. He withdrew long back.  

Keeping away from ugly arguments is really a winning. I am winning
in that case.  I am a winner always. 

Thanks to all the members for the support shown till this date. 

I feel sorry, I cannot support you anymore to make Trainers Circle to
function in a well laid down way, in a democratic way. Let it
function in any style.  Sorry, for the members who supported 
my points all along.  Hope this is my last communication with
Trainers Circle Members. 

98404 85595

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