Monday, October 5, 2015

Let's be aware what is happening in TC

Dear TC Member,

You might have seen the latest mail from our President
posted y'day night 11.46 p.m.

1. It is very clear now about the designs of President.

2. Why our President is intersted only in sending me and Raja
out of TC is a serious question.

3. Neither myself or Mr.Raja had never disrupted the meeting.
We presented our views and told the opinions about the style of
functioning by some members. It has to be addressed. We have every right to putforth the things before the members. Tomorrow, you too have the power to present your views in a meeting. That is not a disruption. You should not be threatened that you are disrupting. 

4. If 26.01.15, election is void means, why it was running with
the new team name, even in the letter heads. We have proof.
Is it not ?  Then all the meetings happened all along are void.

5. On 26.01.15 neither Shankar nor Subramani (Treasurer)
are  members then, Shankar joined & paid his membership fee only
on 26.3.15 and Subramani paid only on 1.5.15. I will come up
with a lot of authentications/proof to show it to the authorities whoever may be, about my all claims. Everything will be in black and white. Let the wong things be exposed. 

Only solution to bring back the derailed TC to the right track is 

Now members should demand election of a new team urgently.
I am not intersted for any post or don't want to take over the 
TC. No. I am NOT for any post or power. President or his 
Auditor/Advocate team need not fear about that. TC should be in right hands or let the present team continue with a perfect bye laws and rules.  Let him be reelected to work under a perfect system.

I am sure any Auditor or Advocate will not work to get black marks by indulging in the internal affairs of any organization. Auditor will look only into financial part. Advocate will look only the legal 
part. They will not support the mistakes. They are not LKG children; they know their limitations. If they are interested for it, let me do the rest. 

All along members have been cheated without informing them
the Bye laws.  Now, President says Treasurer need not present
the accounts to EC /Members. Why ?

If anybody questions, then they should not be threatened with legal or defamatory. This shows the audacity of President. We have not done anything wrong. Our hands are clean. We can face any legal actions, where we can prove a lot against the present team. 

Rs. 15000/- was donated to MMA, but to gain a business for personal company ? 

If I have not raised certain things, the offer for a business for 'Leadership' would not have come. Just to cover up and misguide that
TC is now getting new business, this offer has been made. Any how, the benefit is reaching one or more TC members, I am happy. Let the members get more due to this episode. 

Choices before the members:
1. Demand for an election or
2. Be a silent spectator to watch what is happening and allowing
all the things to happen, without knowing the bye laws, without
questioning the wrong things, etc.

In the next term, I may continue to be a member or not. But, if any
action is taken for sending me out, whether members support me or not,  I will proceed legally with a defamation case, because I have not done anything wrong. I am ready to face it. I have been running organizations for 15 years, with a lot of support of my advocate friends. I have a good rapo even with judges on these issues. Everybody knows if I speak, there will be some valid reasons. 
TC members should not be fooled.

I am ready to face any legal action because I am going to be
popularized without any cost, at the same time, I am going to
expose a lot. 

Wait for my fitting reply to our President in google group.

98404 85595

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